Party buses are generally very laid back vehicular modes of transportation, which makes sense considering the purpose that they were built and intended for in the first place. However, a lot of customers try to take unfair advantage of lax policies, which leads to a situation wherein some party bus guests ruin the experience that others were looking forward to. Hence, party bus providers have been forced to put some age restrictions in place, and you would do well to take heed of them prior to making a booking.
Now, as far as age restrictions are concerned, would be willing to make a few exceptions here or there. For example, if you can guarantee that absolutely no alcohol will be consumed on the bus, you may be able to rent a party bus even if you are just eighteen years of age. The thing is, you will also need to pay a higher security deposit that can serve as a form of surety, and you should know that this entire security deposit will be null and void if you don’t stick to the no alcohol clause that is part of your contract.
With all that having been said, it should be mentioned that once you hit twenty one years of age, there will be absolutely nothing stopping you from renting a party bus whenever the need arises. Twenty one is when people are considered to be fully legal adults, so you should face no troubles in getting your hands on a party vehicle as long as you have a valid form of ID that can prove your legal age. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to inquire with the aforementioned service provider.