Having Into account our everyday lives and everyday routines, if we can recall, back in 1938, Mr. Buckminster Fuller for the first time introduced an extremely quirky word called ephemeralization which means among other meanings, the tendencies of doing more with less, a term mostly used in chemistry, health and obviously the industrial area. Little bit in 1958, stanis law Ulam, wrote a book that was based how it affects human life and in which the topic was the acceleration advancement of our technology. Later on, Hans Moravec was the one so as to make predictions about the future of life to generalize the law of Moore; Hans was futurist and computer scientist. The law of Moore talks about growth patterns within and at the complexity of integrated semiconductor circuits. According to the thoughts of Moore, Moravec extend the range to it into types and contemporary of technology, how they evolve into specie, moving into the circuit concept and especially Robots.
Because Technology and faith beliefs not dogmas affect how people view the world and really shapes our attitude and as other sociologists say it will help create, preserve or create disappear entire cultures and this way civilization we may see the degree of present technologies influence is so high first time the traditional linear and teleological view of historical progress. It now and today we have to talk based on other and quantum concepts which look to connect to branding design agency singapore kinds of perceptions, before it belongs to levels we cannot understand 44, linking technologies and this way senses.
Branding and marketing are currently facing ways to incorporate messages and the design bureau is the way looking for brand marketing strategies that are interesting. The branding strategy agency is going to be the person who can integrate taking us and branding to enlarge the stimulation of our senses and marketing. That is going to be the future’s creative advertising agency.